Jeremy D. Miller misli da se programeri po svojoj filozofiji mogu podijeliti u dvije vrste:
- Camp #1: Coding is too hard, so let's not write code anymore. Model Driven Architecture, Executable UML, Business Rules engines, Rapid Application Development
- Camp #2: Coding is too hard, so let's make coding easier and more productive. Refactoring tools, dynamic languages, TDD, Continuous Integration, Ruby on Rails, etc.
James McGovernov komentar na navedenu podjelu...
I am definetely in the second camp as I haven't yet drinken the Kool-Aid on most things in camp one with the sole exception of Business Rules Engines. I guess enterprise architects who are in the second camp are a dying breed and are the ones blogging in the blogosphere while the former camp are the ones who are successful getting promoted in today's magazine-oriented architecture culture.
U kojoj ste vi vrsti?
Ja sam dying breed... ;-)
Ja sam u kampu #3: programiranje je tesko, ali, buduci da sam ja genijalka, onda mi to i nije neki problem! :) Ali, sa "socijalnim vjestinama" je vec druga prica. :( Nedostatak istih nadoknadjujem svojom visokom seksualiziranoscu, kojom se trudim srusiti barijere medju suradnicima na projektu! :)