Slijedeći veliki programski jezik…

programiranje The Next Big Language.

Steve Yegge misli da bi trebao imati slijedeće osobine:

  1. C-like syntax

  2. Dynamic typing with optional static types

  3. Performance

  4. Tools

  5. Kitchen Sink - ono što svi očekuju:

    1. Object-literal syntax for arrays and hashes

    2. Array slicing and other intelligent collection operators

    3. Perl 5 compatible regular expression literals

    4. Destructuring bind (e.g. x, y = returnTwoValues())

    5. Function literals and first-class, non-broken closures

    6. Standard OOP with classes, instances, interfaces, polymorphism, etc.

    7. Visibility quantifiers (public/private/protected)

    8. Iterators and generators

    9. List comprehensions

    10. Namespaces and packages

    11. Cross-platform GUI

    12. Operator overloading

    13. Keyword and rest parameters

    14. First-class parser and AST support

    15. Static typing and duck typing

    16. Type expressions and statically checkable semantics

    17. Solid string and collection libraries

    18. Strings and streams act like collections


11. veljače 2007. 14:45

Hm, hm, hm. Zvuči kao ... Mislim da bi se s time složio i .

11. veljače 2007. 19:13

I da ima pointere. :-)