Interview s Paulom Grahamom ste možda već i pročitali, a meni je najviše zapeo za oko ovaj dio:
What I tell founders is not to sweat the business model too much at first. The most important task at first is to build something people want. If you don’t do that, it won’t matter how clever your business model is.Of course you have to have a business model eventually. But experience so far suggests that figuring out how to make money from something popular is a lot easier than making something popular.
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Problem je u Paulovoj rečenici: "If you don’t [build something people want], it won’t matter how clever your business model is." Međutim, poslovni model i potražnja za proizvodom/uslugom nisu odvojene stvari, to su dijelovi iste stvari. Ili točnije rečeno, razina ponude i potražnje predstavljaju ključan tio poslovnog modela.